25th of January 2020; the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Australia.
Since this infamous date, every Australian has been negatively impacted by either COVID-19 pandemic, accentuated by the perpetual State Government lockdowns and restrictions. However, the economic effects haven’t been consistent across all industries – some have been hit much worse than others.
By May 2020, 72% of businesses had suffered a loss of revenue. The following month, the unemployment rate peaked at 7.5 per cent — the highest in over 20 years.
Prior to the pandemic, the retail market was forecast to grow by 2.7% in 2020. Instead, there was a decline of 3.2% – costing the market a total of $17 billion. Global lockdowns and restrictions kept consumers away from large shopping centres and local stores, leading to a boom in the online marketplace. Many retail shops were forced to be closed during harsh lockdowns, particularly in Victoria where we are up to Lockdown 6.0.
Many restrictions were placed on gyms and health clubs, forcing them to put memberships on hold and close their doors for months. Over 24% of businesses within the fitness industry have reported a 61% decrease in memberships due to COVID-19 lockdowns.
Hospitality was always a challenging business model; then came the pandemic. Now, instead of stocking up for a reset and possible recovery, Melbourne restaurants are reeling from a sixth lockdown. After the temporary closure of cafes, bars and restaurants, venue owners had to think on their feet to survive. Billions of dollars have been lost in revenue. The grim reality is, some will never recover.
These are only 3 of the industries affected. We are conscious of the devastating effects this pandemic has had on both businesses and livelihoods, and our hearts go out to everyone affected.
As a gesture, we would like to offer FREE covid signage templates to anyone that has a need.  We all know someone who has had to close their business, or suffered some level of reduction. Send them these templates to print off and put on their doors and walls. Any signage that you need, reach out, and we will be glad to help.
That’s right. FREE COVID SIGNAGE TEMPLATES for everyone to share and print off!
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